Version 4.0.0 Local Payment Methods Update

With the release of version 4 of Braintree, the minimum requirements have been updated. You will need to use Magento 2.3.x and PHP 7.2.x

NB - Installing the Gene Braintree module will replace the Braintree module that ships with Magento 2.

The updated Braintree Payments module for Magento 2 can be installed using composer and the below command

composer require gene/module-braintree

The module does not work if it's placed in the app/code directory.

If you have already installed the module, you can update to the latest version using the command below

composer update gene/module-braintree

If Composer is reporting there is no update found, please check your Composer.json file. It may be that the version constraint for the module is too strict. E.g "gene/module-braintree":"3.3.3" If this is the case, please use the following command

composer require gene/module-braintree:^4.0.0

After Composer has finished downloading the module, you will need to run `php bin/magento setup:upgrade` to finalise the installation.